The science of well being and longevity

According to Ayurveda, every human is a unique entity, an embodiment of primal elements existing in a sublime harmony, a cohesive force. When the balance or equilibrium of the forces within the body is upset, disease occurs. Ayurveda seeks to restore this equilibrium, with natural herbs, meditation and a regimen most suited to that individual which incorporates the rules prescribed for healthy living. Ayurveda’s interpretation of health is not the absence of disease, rather, a physical, mental and spiritual state of well-being.

Ayurveda is a branch of the Atharva Veda and it is based on the principle that the human body is actually a miniaturized version of the entire cosmos – a microcosmic model azithromycin cost. According to Ayurveda, all things existing, living or non-living, are considered to be composed of PANCHABHOOTA or the five primal elements of nature – air, fire, water, sky, and earth. In the human body, these constitute the body, senses, mind, self and soul. The holistic harmony of these elements – a delicate equilibrium so to say, is the perfect state of health. When this sublime balance is disturbed or altered by extraneous or intrinsic factors, it results in ailments and afflictions. Ayurveda deals with the discovery of this disturbance or disequilibria and restoring normalcy.